Sex trafficking hotlines in Australia
Sex trafficking hotlines in Australia by state/territory:
- Australian Capital Territory:
- ACT Policing: (02) 6256 7777
- Australian Federal Police National Hotline: 1800 333 000
- New South Wales:
- NSW Police: 131 444
- Australian Federal Police National Hotline: 1800 333 000
- Salvation Army Trafficking and Slavery Safe House (Sydney): (02) 9218 2336
- Northern Territory:
- NT Police: 131 444
- Australian Federal Police National Hotline: 1800 333 000
- Queensland:
- QLD Police: 131 444
- Australian Federal Police National Hotline: 1800 333 000
- Project Respect: 1800 177 725
- South Australia:
- SA Police: 131 444
- Australian Federal Police National Hotline: 1800 333 000
- Project Respect: 1800 177 725
- Tasmania:
- Tasmanian Police: 131 444
- Australian Federal Police National Hotline: 1800 333 000
- Victoria:
- Victoria Police: 131 444
- Australian Federal Police National Hotline: 1800 333 000
- Project Respect: 1800 177 725
- Western Australia:
- WA Police: 131 444
- Australian Federal Police National Hotline: 1800 333 000
- Project Respect: 1800 177 725
Here are some additional resources for sex trafficking support in Australia:
- Blue Knot Foundation – Provides specialist counselling, support, and advocacy services to people who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing childhood trauma, including sex trafficking. They also provide training and education for professionals and the community. Contact number: 1300 657 380
- Immigrant Women’s Support Service – Provides culturally sensitive services to immigrant and refugee women who have experienced domestic violence and human trafficking. They offer case management, counselling, and support. Contact number: 07 3846 3490
- Australian Federal Police – The Australian Federal Police (AFP) investigate human trafficking cases in Australia. They have a Human Trafficking Team that can provide support to victims and conduct investigations. Contact number: 131 AFP (131 237)
- Australian Red Cross – Provides support services to people who have experienced trauma, including those who have been trafficked. They offer casework, support groups, and referral to other services. Contact number: 1800 733 276
- 1800 RESPECT – A national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service that can provide support and referrals to victims of sex trafficking. Contact number: 1800 737 732
- Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) – A national law enforcement agency that works to combat crimes against children, including child sex trafficking. They provide advice and support to law enforcement agencies and the community. Contact number: 1300 682 226
- Salvation Army – Provides a range of support services to vulnerable people, including victims of human trafficking. They offer accommodation, counselling, and practical support. Contact number: 13 SALVOS (13 72 58)
- Youth Futures – Provides support services to young people who are at risk of or have experienced sexual exploitation and trafficking. They offer case management, counselling, and advocacy. Contact number: (08) 9300 2677
- Australian Institute of Criminology – Conducts research and analysis on issues related to human trafficking in Australia. They provide information and resources for professionals and the community. Contact number: (02) 6260 9200
Note that this list is not exhaustive and there may be other organizations and resources available in Australia.