Sex trafficking hotlines North America per country
1. Antigua and Barbuda: 800-8473 (24-hour hotline)
2. Bahamas: 242-322-2763 (24-hour hotline)
3. Barbados: 246-429-2027 (24-hour hotline)
4. Belize: 0800-924-579 (toll-free)
5. Canada: 1-833-900-1010 (24-hour hotline)
6. Costa Rica: 911 (emergency) or 6060-9500 (Judicial Investigation Agency)
7. Cuba: 106 (emergency) or 7-833-3000 (National Revolutionary Police)
8. Dominica: 1-800-3927 (toll-free)
9. Dominican Republic: 809-200-1202 or 809-200-1203 (National Council for Children and Adolescents)
10. El Salvador: 122 (emergency) or 2298-8888 (National Civil Police)
11. Grenada: 1-473-400-0084 (24-hour hotline)
12. Guatemala: 1572 (emergency) or 2210-4500 (National Civil Police)
13. Haiti: 114 (emergency) or 3838-1111 (Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour)
14. Honduras: 911 (emergency) or 2245-3641 (National Institute for Women)
15. Jamaica: 888-991-2752 (toll-free)
16. Mexico: 911 (emergency) or 800-5533-000 (National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples)
17. Nicaragua: 133 (emergency) or 2251-2198 (National Police)
18. Panama: 104 (emergency) or 507-511-4227 (National Institute for Women)
19. Saint Kitts and Nevis: 869-465-7734 (toll-free)
20. Saint Lucia: 1-877-977-HELP (toll-free)
21. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: 784-456-2975 (24-hour hotline)
22. Trinidad and Tobago: 800-SAVE (toll-free)
23. United States: 1-888-373-7888 (National Human Trafficking Hotline)